In Preparation

In Preparation

You will need some very basic supplies. And, the tools you currently have may dictate what kind of product you will ultimately create. I honestly don't believe you should go to any great expense, or use “lack of supplies” as an excuse to not get started.

So, please don't rush out and buy these things, but if for example, you know you want to create an audio series and have no input microphone, you may want to order a new Mic in advance.

Tools Prep

Some tools you might want to make sure you have on hand:

For recording audio:

● A decent quality microphone

● Garage Band (if on a Mac) or AudioAcrobat (if on PC) - both are free

For eBooks and PDF's

● A word processor like Microsoft Word, Open Office or Pages
● The ability to save as PDF, and have your hyperlinks work (this doesn't always work on Mac. It's best to test this with a one or two page document before getting too far into a project)
● Ebook Templates from Hubspot

For Video Training

● Some type of screen capture device (like Camtasia, Snagit, Screenflow, Screencast-o-matic Pro)

● A hosting account for your videos (YouTube account, Vimeo, amazon s3)

Method to sell your products

● For most people, a PayPal account is more than enough. It's best to upgrade to the free level of the business account. Rates are reasonable and exchange rates are handled seamlessly.
● To accept credit cards, outside of the PayPal system look at Gumroad, Stripe or
● I will recommend some very simple shopping carts that work with WordPress, inside this book. It would be good to have an idea of how you would like to sell, but it can be done throughout the 14-Day challenge as well.

Connection to Buyer

● A new list in your newsletter provider (MailChimp, AWeber, Mad Mimi, etc.)to build an interest list and follow up with customers later (more about this in the first week)
● The ability to create a landing page. You can create in WordPress and most other website creation tools. Or, you can use a tool like Strikingly, Unbounce or LeadPages

For Brainstorming/Outlining

  • A stack of paper
  • Whiteboard or wall space
  • Post it notes
  • Paint or colored pens/pencils

For a full list of products recommended by past participants click on the Resources Tab in the menu.
