Day 6: Make Work Projects

Feeling a bit of resistance?

Could you be creating "Make Work Project" where all of a sudden cleaning out cupboards or fixing things that have been broken forever and seem really urgent to fix today?

It's pretty normal around this stage of a project to feel like maybe something else is a little (or a lot) more important than this.

Do whatever you can today to keep focused. Ask yourself, "Is doing this going to help me finish the 14-day Product Challenge?" If it isn't, see if you can add it to your calendar for a week from now (a real appointment with yourself that you WILL keep).

Most things can wait a week or more. And more than anything... I want you to finish this & feel the sense of accomplishment that's brought you this far!

I know sometimes underneath the craving to start something new is a bit of fear. Possibly worry that what you're creating isn't good enough. (I call mine “mean girl” and she's really quite convincing.)

I wonder if you can ask this fearful part of you a great big favor. Ask him/her to give you a tiny break this week. Even just for a few days.

"S/He" can come back "home" after you finish a bit of work.

I don't buy into the "think positive thoughts" mindset anymore (not in the strict sense that we can force ourselves to think only positive thoughts)... but I do know I can ask for a bit of a reprieve, and I'll get it. Just a short vacation from the negative self-talk... and usually it gives me the breathing room I need to finish a project & get it into the hands of the people who can most benefit from it.

In the audio version I talk about PLR. Click through to the bonus audio to hear more, and get access to my list of recommended PLR sources.

If you need anything today, please ask for help. This can be a bit of a bumpy patch & I want you to know you're not alone. Lots of love to you!

To Do Today

  • Work on content or sales page
