Day 7: Set aside work time

We're moving into the technical parts of creating your product and everyone will have slightly different needs at this stage.

Three Things to do Today:

1. Ask friends to spread the word

Ask people you already know (your entrepreneur friends) if they will help you get the word out. Tell them a bit about your product and ask if they wouldn't mind sharing your pre-launch page with people on Facebook, Twitter or even in a blog post or email. I know it's hard to ask for help, but give it a try and see what comes back. You'll probably be surprised at the response.

2. Three (3) Hour Work Block

Block off time in your calendar (preferably a 3 hour block with no distractions) to really focus on this project over the next few days.

3. Email Drafts

Write email drafts for your launch today. You'll want to prepare a few drafts now, because you'll be busy and possibly tired on day 14.

Drafts you might want to prepare today:

1. Launch day email to friends who promised to help spread the word
2. "Almost ready" sneak peak email to your interest list
3. "It's ready" announcement that the product is ready, to your interest list
4. Welcome or thank you email to people who have purchased

This is a great time to remember "Google is my friend" and search for answers.

If you need help with anything else, please ask. And of course, you can access the tutorials for questions most frequently asked on my website.

Below are some tutorials people often ask for:

1. How to create an eReport with Free Tools
2. Your First Webinar
3. WP Shopping Cart Plugin

To Do Today

  • Schedule 3 hour work block
  • Create email drafts
  • Build up your PR team
