Day 11: Homestretch

Do you need help with anything today? Are you moving forward or hitting any bumps in the road? Reach out to your accountability partners especially today.

We're in the home stretch now.

It probably feels like a mad rush too.

Humor me for a minute?

Remember back to a time when you prepared a big family dinner. The kitchen is a mess. You're still in your grubby clothes from cleaning earlier and your hair is sweaty and out of control. And you realize you only have one hour left before everyone arrives.

Panic sets in for a minute, and then everything clears. You're absolutely certain what you must get done. All of a sudden the things that seemed super important this morning are no longer important at all.

You find yourself able to make some really fast decisions about what to do with those last 50 minutes (including getting dressed and making sure your undies aren't scattered on the floor).

It all comes together even though in the back of your mind you worry just a little bit about the things you didn't get around to... Until dessert has been served & you notice everyone laughing and having a good time. You did the important things & you pulled it off.

When Trisha was creating her hypnotherapy product in 2013 she made a short list of what she had finished and what still needed to be done. It looked something like this:


  • Audio files
  • 23 page e-report (in Microsoft Word)

Must complete before deadline:

  • Book cover
  • Payment sequence testing

Can deliver after deadline

  • One week follow up email series

You've probably heard Seth Godin talking about "shipping" and the lizard brain. And about how it's better to send out a good product than never sending out a perfect product.

If you haven't heard him talk about it, check out this video from Seth Godin

Seth Godin: Quieting the Lizard Brain from 99U on Vimeo.

"What you do for a living is not be creative, what you do is ship," says bestselling author Seth Godin, arguing that we must quiet our fearful "lizard brains" to avoid sabotaging projects just before we finally finish them.

We're getting close to the last hour now. Find a few things to toss out & keep the gems. And know it will all come together.

You're awesome!

Tomorrow we'll be getting feedback on your product.

"Shipping is our goal! Not perfection!"
