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Spend Less Work Less Accelerated
Introduction to Spending Less and Working Less (1:58)
1. Communication Plan
Consulting Appointments (8:27)
Signature lines to increase sales (2:28)
2. Marketing, Advertising and PR
Social media and making connections (7:24)
Inviting people to "Opt In" to your list (4:27)
Staying connected via email (4:07)
Autoresponders and workflows (3:00)
Free PR options (3:27)
Facebook Group Engagement
Leverage your existing network to make noise on launch day
3. Tracking Traffic - Why and How?
Using URL shorteners (4:55)
4. Customer Relationships
Building a knowledge base your customers will thank you for (7:18)
5. Accounting and Legal
Automate Your Biz
Access to contracts and legal forms (5:07)
6. Website and Design
Domain, hosting and themes (2:56)
7. Creation, Writing and Products
Image editing and creation (2:06)
9. Support Systems
Accountability Partners
10. Education, Learning and Personal Development
Tricks for learning on a small budget (1:39)
11. Data Protection and Storage
Creating your file structure (4:02)
Website security and backups (8:36)
12. Productivity Tools
Keeping everything at your fingertips (6:42)
My Tools (under $900/year)
My complete list of tools, under $900/year (1:35)
Under $600 per year
Under $300/year
Coach or Freelancer (Under $250/year)
My Equipment
All Courses
Autoresponders and workflows
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